Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Because MAN somewhere In one of these memories is the evidence!

One of my favorite parts of in the Movie Tron is when Allen asked Flynn why he wanted to break into the system in which Flynn replied, BECAUSE MAN somewhere in one of these memories of the evidence! I think that whole performance by Jeff Bridges is what made him the star and the famous Icon he is today! Just his voice and delivery of the words magic, and till this day that part of the movie really touches my heart and soul. Long Live Kevin Flynn the creator of Space Paranoids and The Grid!!!

End of Line man.. End of Line.

There are no problems Only Solutions

In the movie Tron Kevin Flynn says the line "Like a man once said there are no problems only solutions". A lot of people never caught it but if you listen closely to Flynn when he is talking to Allen and Laura at Flynn's Arcade you can hear a song by Journey called Only Solutions and the song is just great. And you can hear the song by Journey here called Only solutions. Be sure to buy it online it's a great song and a Tron musical classic!