Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Because MAN somewhere In one of these memories is the evidence!

One of my favorite parts of in the Movie Tron is when Allen asked Flynn why he wanted to break into the system in which Flynn replied, BECAUSE MAN somewhere in one of these memories of the evidence! I think that whole performance by Jeff Bridges is what made him the star and the famous Icon he is today! Just his voice and delivery of the words magic, and till this day that part of the movie really touches my heart and soul. Long Live Kevin Flynn the creator of Space Paranoids and The Grid!!!

End of Line man.. End of Line.

There are no problems Only Solutions

In the movie Tron Kevin Flynn says the line "Like a man once said there are no problems only solutions". A lot of people never caught it but if you listen closely to Flynn when he is talking to Allen and Laura at Flynn's Arcade you can hear a song by Journey called Only Solutions and the song is just great. And you can hear the song by Journey here called Only solutions. Be sure to buy it online it's a great song and a Tron musical classic!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Flynn Remembers Song

This song is just awesome and inspired my last blog post. It think the song is just awesome and really is something that a lot of people will like. Check it out here programs and enjoy!

Flynn Remembers...

Kevin Flynn remembers his past. He knows his user wants him to go take that sucker the MCP out. he knows he has to help Tron bring freedom back to the system. But Kevin Flynn also understands the secrets of the Grid and of the Universe. The secret knowledge is out there, but yet it was right in front of us the whole time. We always seem to be searching for prefection, when it is right in front of us. All the secrets of life are really at our finger tips. All information is free and open. Because there will always be good users and programs to bring balance and freedom back to the system. Kevin Flynn remembers you, he will never forget the good you have done for the system and for the human race.

Kevin Flynn remembers everything like it was yesterday, he just started his own little enterprise and wrote a whole slew of video game programs. He defeated the MCP and CLU and who did he do it? Well the answer is simple my friend..
There are not problems only solutions.

End of Line...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who was more evil The MCP or CLU?

Who do you all think was more evil? The Master Control program? Or was it CLU. The MCP was ruthless and said he was better than humans when he was talking to Dillinger. But in the end CLU also wanted to being his army to earth through the portal and try to rule over humans or so it seems. The story was always something about programs or machines getting to smart and taking over humans. Also how humans could go into the world of the computers and fight against evil forces like CLU and the MCP. Overall it's hard to understand the story. But Who do all you programs think was the most evi? Was it the MCP? Or was it CLU from Tron Legacy. We know it can't be CLU from the first Tron because he fought for the users! Well let me know what you think programs just a thought before bed! See you on the grid!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flynn's Arcade T Shirts

Greetings programs! Well here they are: The T shirts from the original Flynn's Arcade! These are the T shirts from the movie Tron and Tron legacy. Now you can wear this very cool T Shirt to Tron 3, ElecTRONica, or any other Tron themed Party! Or you can just wear them at your local arcade or mall to show off!
They have the original Flynn's t shirt in black. And also the same black T Shirt, with the words Flynn's Arcade on it. You can check out and buy the T shirts at the link below.

Flynn's Black T Shirt

Flynn's Arcade T Shirt Black

Enjoy programs and show the world some real user power!!

End of Line

Sam You're really messing with My Zen thing man

Well I bet none of you ever thought you would see it but here it is! The Sam you're really messing with my Zen thing offical coffee or tea mug! You can now drink your Zen tea while showing off one of the greatest lines ever said by the great Jeff Bridges.Kevin Flynn says you're really messing with my Zen thing man! Click the link below to check out and buy the mug. Enjoy. End of Line

You're messing with my Zen thing Mug